Andrew Benton wrote:
> On Fri, 04 May 2012 00:34:09 +0100
> Bruce Dubbs <> wrote:
>> Whew.  I finally got k3b to build and work properly.  There are a lot of 
>> dependencies that I didn't know about and there are run time dependencies 
>> too.
>> One runtime dependency is cdrecord (cdrtools).  I don't recall why we 
>> removed 
>> it, but cdrtools-3.00.tar.bz2 from June 2010 seems to build and install 
>> without 
>> any patches.  We still get the typical Schily whining about how he is the 
>> only 
>> one who knows how to properly create a make program and he doesn't use 
>> autotools.
> I think we removed it because we don't like Jörg Schilling
>>   In any case, I'll add that back to the book unless anyone has an 
>> objections.
> Does it need the cdrecord libraries or is it just the cdrecord command
> it needs? If it's just the command, can't you get K3b to use xorrecord?
> Or write a small shell script that calls xorrecord?
> cat > /usr/bin/cdrecord << "HERE_DOC"
> #!/bin/bash
> xorrecord "${@}"
> chmod 755 /usr/bin/cdrecord
>> I'll try to get both k3b and cdrtools back in by tomorrow.
> Boooo! (Throws food at the screen)

LOL.  I've already got the page done and it's not nearly as painful as it used 
to be.  There are no dependencies or patches and the commands are as simple as:

make INS_BASE=/usr DEFINSUSR=root DEFINSGRP=root install

install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/cdrtools-3.00
install -v -m644 README* ABOUT doc/*.ps /usr/share/doc/cdrtools-3.00

It's not a library requirement and the script might work, but cdrecord is a 
reasonably well known application.

Thanks for the popcorn.  :)

   -- Bruce

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