On Mon, 12 Mar 2012 11:47:16 +0000
Jeremy Huntwork <jhuntw...@lightcubesolutions.com> wrote:

> Yes, when you are cross compiling you (typically) can't bootstrap, so 
> they disable the bootstrap if it's determined you are building a cross 
> compiler. So where we would normally need the --disable-bootstrap 
> switch, we don't here, but the effect is the same.

Indeed. Adding --disable-bootstrap had no effect, it failed in the same
way. The cross_compile.patch works though.

>Pierre Labastie <pierre.labas...@neuf.fr> wrote:
> > Andy, I think the fragment you have sent is from libgcc's configure.
> > libgcc is always built with xgcc. When cross-compiling, this makes sense
> > since libgcc is a library for the target.
> Yes, I believe Pierre is correct here.

lfs:/mnt/lfs/sources/gcc-build$ grep -rl GCC_NO_EXECUTABLES .

It seems to be failing in

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