Pierre Labastie wrote:
> Le 20/02/2012 11:27, Bruce Dubbs a écrit :
>> Pierre Labastie wrote:
>>> Le 20/02/2012 04:45, Bruce Dubbs a écrit :
>>>> The Linux From Scratch community is pleased to announce the release of
>>>> LFS Version 7.1-rc1. [...]

>>> Looks like since 7.0, the svn tags/${version} dir contains directly the
>>> sources, while before it contained a BOOK directory, which contained
>>> the sources. Is this change permanent? I need to know in order
>>> to update jhalfs download code.

>> As far as I'm concerned, yes, it's permanent.  The only thing in BOOK is
>> the tags/${version} dir and that's what is needed.
>> [...]
>> I realize that the tag version has a little different structure than the
>> trunk.

> Looks like jhalfs can cope with it.

>> Is there a way you can test for general.ent or BOOK/general.ent
>> and proceed accordingly?

> Well, it could be possible to check out the whole LFS tree and do
> this kind of checks, but the current jhalfs directly checks out
> the book sources from tags/${version}. So, it needs to know
> if there is a BOOK dir. Could be tested using 'svn list', maybe.
> If the suppression of BOOK in tags becomes permanent (well,
> for a reasonable duration...), it is just easier to test the first
> character of ${version} and proceed according whether it
> is greater than 6 or not. I'll submit a patch on jhalfs-discuss.

I guess I never see the problem since I don't use jhalfs to check out 
the version for me.  Matt should throw in his 2 cents, but I don't see a 
value to the BOOK level in tags.

   -- Bruce
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