On Jan 25, 2012, at 9:22 PM, Bryan Kadzban wrote:

> That's just a *tiny* bit excessive I think.
> Now maybe this can all be disabled, but it seems that for something as
> core to the system as init, it'd be better to disable esoteric bits of
> it by default, not enable them by default.

I think it's unfair to take "default mounts on Fedora 16 w/systemd" as "default 
mounts on LFS w/systemd".

Just like sysvinit or udev, or the LFS boot scripts, LFS's systemd install 
would presumably include a default config that included the functions we deemed 
important and omitted other parts.

To address the list specifically:
cgroups are required. I don't know if the set of a dozen listed in this thread 
are all required, but it will need at least one. Their mount-ness is a little 
ugly I agree, but that's a kernel limitation for any program using cgroups.

I'm pretty sure everything everything else in that list of mounts is optional 
-- the systemd package includes support for a variety of virtual file systems, 
and if and only if the required kernel support and userland tools are present, 
provides automounts for those filesystems. Even then it typically does not 
actually mount them until and unless their services are requested.


And as far as ugliness goes, be sure to compare apples to apples; you're used 
to sysvinit, so it's easy to ignore its flaws. But sysvinit uses a whole set of 
folders and symlinks in /etc that contain a lot of highly-redunant files to 
communicate a tiny amount of information that's typically used only once or 
twice per boot.


To be clear, I don't think LFS should add systemd either, at least not in the 
immediate future -- it's still tracking very close to the bleeding edge of the 
kernel and there's still a lot of churn in project.

I'm only disagreeing because I don't want to see future consideration of the 
tool get derailed because of claims that systemd only addresses niche usage, or 
that it adds a slew of unnecessary mounts/etc.


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