Qrux wrote:

> -. /etc/sysconfig/rc
> -. ${rc_functions}
> +. /lib/boot/functions
>  . ${IFCONFIG}

> -# End $network_devices/services/bridge
> +# End /lib/boot/bridge
> ******** Patch for latest LFS **********
> I tried to figure out how this script was getting called (and how it
> was meant to interact with the /etc/sysconfig/network-devices files you
> created, but I wasn't able to find a /lib/boot, and found no references
> to a /lib/boot anywhere in /etc (or /lib).

Things have changed.  I think it goes in as /lib/services/bridge.

> Would you mind explaining where this script is supposed to live, how
> it gets invoked by the other startup scripts, and how it interacts with
> the config files in /e/s/network-devices? Or, if this mechanism is
> already out-dated, would you mind explaining how you envision
> bridge-utils working with the LFS/BLFS bootscripts? 

In the /etc/sysconfig/ there would be a config file, ifconfig.br0 with 
the contents:

INTERFACES="eth0 eth1"

I'm trying to figure out the details myself right now and will be adding 
bridge-utils and qemu-kvm to the book when I do.

   -- Bruce

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