For those who saw me moaning on lfs-book about libnl-2.0 (for me,
NetworkManager doesn't build against it), a summary of what is going
to happen:

 in LFS - nothing!  Matt spotted that iproute2 only uses the
headers, it doesn't link against the lib.  For that, 2.0 is fine.

 With only 2.0 installed on a completed system, and then again with
3.2.3 installed over the top of it, I was able to build all of
iproute2-3.2.0.  I also ran the tests each time, but they finished
almost immediately without reporting anything (return code 0) -
perhaps they no longer do anything.

 in BLFS, I'll be adding libnl-3.2.3 when I (eventually) merge
Wayne's gnome-3 changes.  The headers in -3 have moved one level
deeper, and a quick attempt to use them for iproute2 by editing the
includes in ip2/ipl2tpc from netlink/ to libnl3/netlink/ failed
because the first of these included files then tried to include a
netlink/ file without the extra level of directory. <sigh/>

 So, 3.2.2 is good enough for NetworkManager, but not for iproute2.

 Note that (for me) NetworkManager fails to build against libnl-2,
or -3.1 : 3.2.3 and 1.1 both build.

 There is one overlap in the files - /etc/pktloc (or wherever it
gets moved to) from 3.2.3 is a superset of the file from 2.0.  Since
we'll be building 2.0 in LFS and 3.2.3 in BLFS (or not at all) that
shouldn't be a problem (although people using a certain package
management technique might wish to note it).

das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce
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