Pierre Labastie wrote:
> Hi,
> In the book sources retrieved from the subversion repository,
> there is a Makefile, which has non POSIX constructs, e.g.:
>          $(Q)rm -f $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-{full,html,pdf}.xml # no {} in POSIX
> or
>          $(Q)if [ "x$(MAKETAR)" == "x" ]; then # no == in POSIX. use 
> simple '='
>                                                # for string comparison in
>                                                # POSIX mode
> The default shell for commands in make is /bin/sh, which is
> usually a link to /bin/bash, but changes the behavior
> of bash to be POSIX compliant. So those
> commands return an error (2nd case) or do not do what is
> expected (1st case, silently, because of the -f switch).
> Would it be possible to add SHELL = /bin/bash in the
> header of the Makefile ? (same in BLFS and HLFS). the git
> CLFS Makefile has the line SHELL=/bin/bash

I did that for LFS/BLFS.  I don't make changes to HLFS.

   -- Bruce
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