Ivan Kabaivanov wrote:
> On Saturday 12 November 2011 15:28:35 Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Ivan Kabaivanov wrote:
>>> I must be doing something wrong, so please someone confirm or refute
>>> this:
>>> coreutils-8.14 as per the 7.0 book installs
>>> /usr/libexec/coreutils/libstdbuf.so.  I had to pass
>>> --libexecdir=/usr/lib in chaper 6 in order to fix the location as
>>> /usr/lib/coreutils/libstdbuf.so.
>> It is in /usr/libexec/coreutils/libstdbuf.so on my reference system.  So
>> far, I haven't run into any problems.
>> Doing a grep for libstdbuf in /usr/bin shows the only application using
>> it is /usr/bin/stdbuf and that knows where it is.
>> I wasn't aware of this.  It does seem out of place, but it also doesn't
>> seem to do any harm.
>> Here is a relevant thread:
>> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.coreutils.general/1770
>> If it doesn't go in /usr/libexec/coreutils/, the issue is where does it
>> go?  The devs seem to think that it should not be a library directory.
>> The FHS says that /usr/lib<qual> is OK, but I think that is really for
>> /usr/lib64, /usr/lib32, etc.  libexec is not mentioned in the FHS.
>>    -- Bruce
> yeah, it's a strange bird:
> /usr/lib/coreutils/libstdbuf.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, 
> version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped
> Looks like a library.

Sorta.  It doesn't show up with ldd.

> The weird thing is that the instructions in chapter 6 
> (http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/chapter06/coreutils.html) 
> say 
> this in section 6.23.2. Contents of Coreutils:
> Installed library:      libstdbuf.so
> Installed directory:  /usr/lib/coreutils

I made a change to that in the description in -dev.  Thanks for pointing 
that out.

> So whoever wrote this seemed to think it belonged in /usr/lib.
> I'll stick with /usr/lib/coreutils too.

Your distro.  :)

   -- Bruce

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