Lemon Lime <lemonlime51 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Hello list,
> Like I said in my previous post, I have successfully installed systemd
> on my LFS-based system, and since people have shown interest I post it
> here so everyone else can try it. Regarding the comments on replacing
> sysvinit, I think systemd is not ready for this just yet, but I do think
> that sysvinit is slowly becoming obsolete, and a newer init system like
> systemd eventually will find its way into the base LFS book, sooner or
> later.

Hi there Lemon Lime.

I have been considering many various roadmaps for A. packaging 
(formats/dependencies, etc) and also the boot methods and so on.

I am looking a bit at systemd and I am curious about it and feel 
"hey, why not"..
for the future. And the best way is to build straight off around it I was 

Would you mind therefore, to share your thoughts on *why* you are left 
with that impression that systemd is still not ready?

In the mean-time, thank you very much for sharing your experiences with 
installing it.


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