On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Matthew Burgess
<matt...@linuxfromscratch.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 15:48:17 +0200, feralert <feral...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As I am new in LFS and this is my first attempt, I have a couple of
>> comments that might help make the book easier to follow (at least to a
>> non-english newbie like me).
> Firstly, welcome!

Thanks, I am so glad to finally try LFS, a project I have known for a
long time but never gotten the time to get to start with it. I think
its awesome and a great tool to learn. I take this opportunity to
thank everyone involved for the hard work you do here.

>> - While going through the book the reader is not told what specific
>> package the section is talking about:
>> i.e.: in section "5.6. Linux-3.0.4 API Headers" it took me a while to
>> realize I had to unpack package "linux-3.0.4.tar.gz" (sure I'm a
>> newbie, but still...I was looking for a 'header' package or even a
>> 'linux-headers' package... isnt it better to make it clear, something
>> like: "First unpack package linux-3.0.4.tar.gz and get into the
>> unpacked directory...")
> I can kind of see your point here, but the Linux Headers page does say:
> "This is done by way of sanitizing various C header files that are shipped in 
> the
> Linux kernel source tarball."

I agree, but my point is, does it harm to state it? For example it
might go well in the page header:

Approximate build time: 0.1 SBU
Required disk space: 511 MB
Package: linux-3.0.4.tar.gz

(The linux package is just an example, I would do this for all packages)

>> -The reader isn't told what to do with the building directories at the
>> end of the section (you get rid of them or you keep them?)
>> UPDATE: I found the following in the FAQ, so i guess this is it
>> although IMHO would be much clearer if stated at the end of every
>> section.
> There's also section 5.3 
> (http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/development/chapter05/generalinstructions.html)
> which contains a big 'Important' box at the bottom describing the general
> build pro5.3. General Compilation Instructionscedure a reader is expected to 
> follow, including to delete the
> source directory unless otherwise instructed to do so.

Yes, you are right it's all in section 5.3, and I honestly went
through it all. But keep in mind that I went though the book from page
1, and that's a lot of reading ;) don't take me wrong it's great stuff
but i was eager to get my hands dirty and I guess I just went through
it as quickly as possible. And, in general, people tend to overlook
introductions and just want to get started as soon as possible.

As I said this is my newbie -first time attempt- opinion that I wanted
you to have. Sometimes, when you are so used to something, you don't
see this small details because you take them for granted. Probably
next time Id go thought the book this will not be an issue for me
either, but during this first time attempt I have found myself
hesitating because of this. For some people being lost might mean
giving up early.
Also it might save time for everyone, users not having to re-compile,
and yourselves not having to read and reply to this foolish comments
all the time ;)

Anyway, whatever is done, the book is great.


> Regards,
> Matt.
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