On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 08:32:17PM +0100, Matthew Burgess wrote:
> On 16/10/2011 19:50, Ken Moffat wrote:
> >   Is there a problem with the LFS server ?  I'm getting mail from the
> > lists, but I can't connect to linuxfromscratch.org using a browser
> > (times out), and if I try 'svn up' the remote connection is reported
> > as getting closed.  And ssh appears not to work - so, if there is a
> > problem, fixing it might be "difficult".
> Hi Ken,
> Everything looks good from here.  www access to linuxfromscratch.org and 
> www.linuxfromscratch.org works fine.  SSH to linuxfromscratch.org and 
> quantum.linuxfromscratch.org is OK too.  An 'svn up' has just brought 
> through Bruce's latest changes too.
> Looks to me like it could just be an ISP problem on your end.  I'm happy 
> to help out further though.  If there's anything you think I can do, let 
> me know.
> Regards,
> Matt.

 For the moment, I don't *need* to connect, so I'll assume it's just
another problem with bransonmedia.  Glad it's working for everyone

 Meanwhile, I discovered that in moving to dhcp-4 (dhclient) I was
no longer saving the leases because /var/state didn't exist.  That
is probably yet another of my fubar's. <sigh/>

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