Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> On Sep 2, 2011, at 1:13 PM, Bruce Dubbs <> wrote:
>> Jeremy Huntwork wrote:e
>> Complexity was not the reason I rewrote the scripts.  I didn't want to 
>> add initd-tools to LFS, although I did add it to BLFS.  I made the 
>> scripts LSB compatible, but didn't use the initd-tools to install them.
> A silly objection given the size and simplicity of initd_tools weighed 
> against the feature(s) it gives you. But I suppose you're entitled to be 
> silly. 
> Even if you don't include it, there's nothing that prevents you from using 
> the LSB scripts without initd_tools. You can make symlinks in the rc.x 
> directories if you really like doing that. 
>> I also didn't like the network layout.  I moved ifup/ifdown to /sbin and 
>> created /lib/boot for bootscript use (e.g. network service scripts).  I 
>> got rid of /etc/sysconfig/rc because I thought it gave a level of 
>> indirection for no perceived benefit.  I changed the network 
>> configuration files to something I thought was more sane that didn't 
>> depend on directory structure/directory names.
>> I also added /run as a top level directory, mounted a tmpfs there, and 
>> use it for /var/{run,lock,shm} and a place for bootscript messages 
>> (/var/run/bootlog) 
> All stuff that was already done in DJs scripts, with slight
> variances.

You are illustrating my point.

What point?  That the changes I've made that you don't appear to have 
reviewed should be thrown out and replaced with the updated LSB scripts?

I was open to someone else implementing the scripts.  IIRC, DJ made some 
contributions and I had some problems with them.  At that point everyone 
else got busy and I had the time.

>> I started all this in early July.
> I voiced an objection then, too.

I could only find one line where you suggested using the LSB scripts.

I'm really quite open to changing what I've done or even throwing them 
out completely if there are major problems, but I've not really heard of 
many issues in the new scripts. Those that have been brought up are 
being (or have already been) addressed.

   -- Bruce
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