On Jul 7, 2011, at 4:28 PM, Nathan Coulson wrote:

> speaking of, I never dug into ipv6 yet, wonder what it's going to require.

Just FYI on IPv6:

For static assignments `ip` usage is identical to IPv4, just with a different 
address format:
        ip addr add dev eth0 1:1:1:1:2:2:2:2/64
        ip route add 3:3:3:3:4:4:4:4/64 dev eth1
so it would be trivial to make the ipv4-static scripts work for ipv6.

For stateless auto-config all you need to do is ensure the interface has a 
link-local address, and the kernel will take care of the rest. (By default 
auto-config is on and it can be toggled via /proc). The link-local address does 
not need to be user-configurable, so the process can be hard-coded and just 
needs an enabled/disabled configuration.

I haven't ever found a use for a DHCPv6 client, so I don't have any direct 
experience with that, but if you're using the ISC DHCP client for that I 
suspect it would be nearly if not entirely identical to the usage for their 
IPv4 client -- I'm pretty sure the /sbin/dhclient-script is actually shared 
among the the IPv4 and IPv6 clients.


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