> In the meantime, I've compiled and formatted my build notes, which are
> augmented with contributions from Bryan Kadzban and
> Max Mann (thanks!). I posted them to my Linuxquestions.org blog. It's
> about 3,700 words, so I had to split the notes into three blog posts:

Hey Drew,

one thing I found useful, when building a "package user" LFS quite some
time ago, was to take an off-line copy of the LFS book I was builidng in
reference to, and simply add some mark up that highlighted anything
(commands) that I needed to add, remove or alter.

It is (rather, it was) actually quite simple to say have red boxes around
the commands that you need to delete and blue boxes around the
commands you add or alter.

It's just a matter of adding two new CSS classes to alter/replace bits like this

        <pre class="userinput">

pre.userinput {
  color: #101310;

so for example, adding this CSS (though these colours are not so good!)

pre.olduserinput {
  color: #101310;
  background-color: #FF0000;

pre.newuserinput {
  color: #101310;
  background-color: #0000FF;

and adding/marking up the content accordingly.

You then end up with a sort of "My Distro: My Rules", LFS HTML resource
that has all the commands YOU ran.

The other area were I found this useful was that as I started to add packages
from BLFS, I just cut-and-pasted the various sections from an offline copy
of that book and made similar in-line notes that I could not only refer back
to but use as a guide when comparing against future vanilla LFS books.

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