On Jul 18, 2010, at 1:31 PM, William Immendorf wrote:
> Oh, and some more stuff is needed before PPL/ClooG goes into LFS:
> * G++ needs to be made a host system requirement, due to the fact
> that PPL requires a working C++ compiler.
> * GMP needs to be moved out of the GCC build (I don't think MPFR and
> MPC need to be moved out) during the temporary toolchain phrase. Also,
> GMP needs to have --enable-cxx added to it's configure.
> * As for PPL, use --enable-interfaces="c,cxx" to prevent PPL from
> building the Java interface (there is no Java compiler in the chroot
> enviorment, by the way) in the temp toolchain phrase.
> * CLoog-PPL needs --with-bits=gmp in the temp toolchain phrase too.

These are all unnecessary because we don't need to build ppl and cloog-ppl for 
the temporary toolchain. They're throw-away toolchains, their sole purpose is 
to get us to chapter 6, so there's no need to build in optimization libraries 
for chapter 5.

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