I noticed that MPFR 3.0.0 was added to the Development Book.  Two
things I noticed about this:

1. There are 156 tests now (that's with the patch mentioned in 2 ..)

2. There's a patch for MPFR 3.0.0: http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-current/patch01
The patch is necessary as there's a problem with the released 3.0.0.

Patch notes:

The integer value returned by the mpfr_out_str function is incorrect
on NaN and infinities. Moreover output errors are not handled, and if
such an error occurs, the return value is incorrect (it should have
been 0). These bugs are fixed by the mpfr_out_str.patch (which also
provides additional tests of mpfr_out_str).

I'm guessing there are 155 tests without this patch.

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