On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 11:07:19 +0200, Thibaud Fabre <fabre.thib...@gmail.com> 
> GCC compilation will fail even WITH the
> gmp/mpc/mpfr sources present in gcc source folder when make tries to run
> mpfr-configure. Copying the two missing GMP source files into
> /gcc-build/gmp will fix this.

This certainly sounds like an upstream bug.  It may be related to this change:

"The detection of a GMP build directory (more precisely, the internal header
files of GMP) was previously done separately from the use of the 
configure option. This was not consistent with the documentation and with other
parts of the configure script. So, as of MPFR 3.0.0, the internal header files 
GMP are now used if and only if the --with-gmp-build configure option is given"

So, could you try passing '--with-gmp-build=/mnt/lfs/sources/gcc-4.5.0/gmp' to
GCC's configure invocation in chapter 5 please?  I'm hoping that gets passed
through to MPFR's configure!

This has also been reported upstream at
http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2010-06/msg00276.html but the original reporter didn't
seem to respond back.  It may be worth sending an email to m...@loria.fr;
upstream seem pretty responsive.



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