Tobias Gasser wrote:
> sorry if i'm writing in the wrong list, but book or support seem not to
> fit better...
> i try to login into the wiki. i already have an account on lfs and blfs,
> but didn't login for quite a while. now trying to login, i end up in a
> redirection loop. i tried with both firefox and opera without success.
> same problem with lfs AND blfs.
> opera just hangs arround without any errormessage.
> firefox tells me (german)
> Fehler: Umleitungsfehler
> Die aufgerufene Website leitet die Anfrage so um, dass sie nie beendet
> werden kann.
>     *   Dieses Problem kann manchmal auftreten, wenn Cookies deaktiviert
> oder abgelehnt werden.
> thanks for any help!

I'd like to help...

Can you give me the exact url you were trying?

Please translate the error message.  I don't read German.

   -- Bruce
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