littlebat wrote:
>> It should be export MAKEFLAGS='-j 2' shouldn't it? Personally I
>> have never tried using the MAKEFLAGS variable because I have had
>> problems with glibc not installing correctly if make install is run
>> with parallel jobs. It compiles fine with make -j4 but I've learned
>> to always run just plain vanilla make install.
> As I known, normally, we will use "make" command twice to install a
> package from source, one is "make" and another is "make install".
> Did you mean you have ever compiled successfully with "make -j2" but
> failed when do "make -j2 install" on package glibc?
> And, you did "make -j4" and "make -j4 install" on this package
> successfully later?
> What's your CPU? a four cores CPU? or you just did it on a four CPUs'
> machine?

My system is a Core 2 Duo.  You might try one more then number of CPUs 
that you have, but I still wouldn't recommend for the tool chain 
(binutils, gcc, glibc).

   -- Bruce
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