> http://video.linuxfoundation.org/video/1715 > > I think LFS could take a few pointers from this.
Having decent infrastructure is important, but truthfully, I favour the BSD development model over that of Linux. The BSDs' code quality is vastly superior, and the single main reason why is because of the fact that they don't allow just anybody to submit changes. The desire to allow anyone to contribute, I feel, needs to be tempered with a far more rigorous screening of patches than what usually occurs. There is also a particularly nasty degree of obstinate myopia within the Linux community, as well. GNOME and PulseAudio in particular, are absolutely attrocious designs, and yet the GNOME developers are adamant in their opinion of how awesome it supposedly is. That has always been my single biggest beef with GNOME; not even that, in itself, it sucks as much as it does, but that its' developers are adamant that it does not. Seriously, though; if any of you here haven't used one of the BSDs before, I'd strongly encourage you to download Free or Open yourselves (particularly Free) and try it out. You'll find the experience eye opening, and it demonstrates how badly Linux needs to lift its' game, at both the kernel and userland level. In terms of populism and mainstream recognition, Linux might be way ahead of the BSDs; but in terms of actual technical and code quality, it's exactly the opposite. -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page