Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Bryan Kadzban wrote:
>> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>>> I did some testing tonight using the environment variable
>>> MAKEFLAGS=-j2.
>> I assume you have a dual-core CPU -- have you tried -j3?  Any higher?
> Chapter 6 binutils:
> time make -j2 tooldir=/usr  68 seconds
> time make -j3 tooldir=/usr  60 seconds
> time make -j2 check         55 seconds
> time make -j3 check         53 seconds
>  From jhalfs -j1
> Chapter 5 binutils   91 seconds
> Chapter 6           170 seconds

So a *much* bigger improvement going from 1 to 2, than from 2 to 3.
Very likely not worth going higher than your CPU-count then.

> Comparing Chapter 6
> -j1  170
> -j2  133  + make install and other very short ops
> -j3  123  + make install and other very short ops
> The only significant speedup seems to be for the 'make' itself.
> There appears to be less than 10% gain going from -j2 to -j3

Yeah, seems not-worthwhile to me.  Since most of this speedup is in the
few giant core packages anyway, and the j2-to-j3 speedup is probably
down in the noise...

> Since most packages in LFS are less than 1 SBU, I don't see any real 
> advantage  for those.  Using -j2 for binutils, gcc, glibc, and maybe 
> gettext would speed things up IF you have a multi-processor or 
> multi-core system AND it's not your first LFS build.


> Right now I'm leaning against any changes to the book in this area. At 
> most, a mention in General Compilation Instructions is all that is 
> warranted.

Especially for 6.6.

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