I received the following message privately, but when I responded it said

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


If Iwao reads this, please give me a better email address privately.

$b...@!!4dck wrote:
> My name is Iwao. I am starting a LUG in Japan. The first thing we are
> working towards is to flesh out your SBU data on LFS 6.5 as we get
> our members freshly initiated into the world of Linux beyond X11.
> The problem I am having with the SBU records is the SBU page seems to
> have been written for an older LFS version, one specifically which
> did not require GMP or MPFR (there are no blanks for them). Entries
> are not in the compile order by chapter (minor), several blanks are
> missing (major), and the SBU data sets seem to be a mix of all
> recorded versions of LFS -- invalidating the data recorded towards
> any specific version (major).
> What is the best way to propose or make a correction myself (i.e. 
> propose making an SBU data section that fits each revision of LFS)?
> Are you the maintainer of the SBU section?

I wrote it, but it's not being maintained.  The last update was in 2005.

If you want to volunteer, I can send you the php and mysql schema and 
you can update it.  It's not a large package -- about 772 lines of html, 
301 lines of javascript, and 519 lines of php.

There are only 4 simple tables in the DB schema.  They probably don't 
need to be changed, but the data in some of them updated.

> LFS is such a central fixture in the "getting to learn Linux" world
> that I am absolutely shocked how little active support you guys seem
> to be getting from outside the project. Such a critically important
> project with such a lack of supporting interest. It's a shame.
> On behalf of everyone who has never written to every one of you who
> have put time in developing the public end of LFS: Thank you VERY
> much! This is the greatest surviving Linux DIY educational project
> anywhere.


   -- Bruce
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