On Sat, Dec 05, 2009 at 11:43:14AM -0600, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> > On the off chance you like the black background, but not the gnu, you
> > can probably grab some SVG editor (inkscape worked pretty well last time
> > I tried it) and one of the just-a-penguin SVG files off that page, then
> > make the background black in your editor, and either export to PNG then
> > convert to TGA, or export directly to TGA.
> I picked the one with the GNU on purpose.  There are lots of images with 
> just Tux.  After all, we have more GNU software on our system than the 
> Linux Kernel.  The picture I chose was to acknowledge the major 
> contributions from GNU.

Yeah, I figured it was likely done on purpose; that comment was more for
others reading the archives.  :-)

> >> terminal_output gfxterm
> >> if terminal_output gfxterm ; then true ; else
> >>      terminal gfxterm
> >> fi
> > 
> > Admittedly, I know nothing about the semantics of the grub config
> > language, but is the first "terminal_output" necessary?  Looks like
> > that's being run twice here, I think.  At least one thing below isn't
> > structured like this either ("if background_image ...").
> I'm pretty sure the whole if statement can be removed.  terminal is not 
> a GRUB2 command at all.  It is a structure I got from googling.

Hmm.  Maybe it's an older version of terminal_output?  (As in, for an
older grub2 prerelease version.)  So the if is only there to have a
fallback in case you're using an older version?

Just a guess, though; I have no idea, since I haven't been following the
grub2 development at all...

> Most is 
> debian specific with no mention how to edit grub.cfg directly.  Debian 
> and other distros want to do the configuration indirectly with shell 
> scripts.

Yeah.  I can see where they're coming from (they have to update the
config in some sort of automated fashion: for instance when a new kernel
.deb gets installed), but that doesn't mean I like it.  Thank you!

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