> This is a old / long standing point that folks bring up now and again. > Since /tools is very temporary, the book has not historically worried > about the documentation that gets installed by the temp tools.
Indeed! The last time I built an LFS system from scratch (bit tautological that!), I'd found that there was extra stuff in, eg, /tools/share/doc. My old notes, where I highlighted the differences between a vanilla LFS install and the "My Distro, My Rules" one in an HTML copy I kept lying around, led me to go looking to see what was where when doing the latest build, whereupon I "discovered" the /tools/share/{info,man} stuff. Thought I might as well feed such info back into the community. Maybe a note in the book to the effect that "There may be other, uneeded, documentation that the example instructions here don't remove. Typically, Linux documentation tends to be installed below directories called 'info' and 'man'". would cover all the bases. -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page