On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 01:29:31AM -0800, Rabbit wrote:
> "Me too, but I think we should use just only use i686-pc-linux-gnu
> because I think it doesn't make sense to use i686-pc-lfs-gnu."

Actually, I recently tried to do a build using i686-pc-linux-gnu in the
temp toolchain and it failed. That failure could only have been caused
by two things: the fact I used LC_ALL=C instead of LC_ALL=POSIX, or the
use of i686-pc-linux-gnu instead of i686-lfs-linux-gnu. I didn't bother
to check further in to it, restoring these to their proper values
allowed me to build my system. However, if nobody is in the mood to test
this I have a spare hard drive I can run a build on.

P.S Please trim your messages to the appropriate length. 

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