2009/6/25 William Immendorf <will.immend...@gmail.com>:
> Hey,
> I'm just wondering: How do you calculate the SBU amount for (B)LFS
> packages? Because I want to see the SBUS for new packages, and recent
> versions of packages.
> William
> --
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In theory, the same way as in LFS, but using the LFS version
for which the book is targetted (so, supposedly 6.4 at the
moment, with gcc-4.3 not 4.4.).

In practice, I've never found the (small) figures are
necessarily consistent, so if I'm editing and an SBU is
different from mine but not manifestly wrong I'll leave

I think other editors have taken a different view, hence
the small SBUs recorded to 2 places of decimals.

Usually, it's better for a reporter to leave the calculation -
if I accept a ticket, I'll build the package (often several times)
and form a view of the time and space required, and I'm
sure the other editors will do likewise.  Of course, things get
harder when there are a lot of optional dependencies.

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