On Monday 23 March 2009 16:36:47 Ken Moffat wrote:
>  Libiberty came up when I was moaning about static libraries.
> Robert pointed out that the devs like to make changes without
> worrying about backwards compatability.
> http://linuxfromscratch.org/pipermail/blfs-dev/2009-February/019325.html
That's a good point. My concern is not so much removal of the archive, rather, 
whether or not we should install all of its header files. However, given your 
experiences, suppression may be a valid proposal. I quickly looked at a 
default debian and default ubuntu install, and neither include the headers or 

The following thread mentions three packages that did depend on libiberty.a 
being installed. The packges are: ksymoops, oprofile and memprof. I'll take a 
look and see if this is still the case.


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