Gordon Schumacher wrote:
> I think I have an even better idea: rather than putting *any* package
> management commands in, what about something like this:
> <para>If you would like to generate binary packages, you will need to
> define a function that will be used to generate those packages.  Run a
> command similar to the following:</para>
> <screen role="nodump"><userinput>cat &gt;&gt; ~/.bash_profile &lt;&lt; "EOF"
> <literal>make_package() {
>   tar cf $1.tar.bz2 $PKGTEMP
> }</literal>
> EOF</userinput></screen>
> Then, in the XML for each package:
> <sect2 role="binpackage">
>    <title>Binary Package for Foo</title>
>   <para>If desired, perform the fakeroot install and build the
> package</para>
> <screen><userinput>if [ "$(type -t make_package)" == "function" ]; then
>   make DESTDIR=$PKGTEMP install
>   make_package foo-&foo-version;
> fi</userinput></screen>
> </sect2>
> I think that this would satisfy all the desires stated: not supporting a
> specific package manager, supporting package management if people want
> it, and still allowing for automation!

So... does this look reasonable to folks?  Anyone have any objections to
me working on implementing this against the current trunk and submitting
it as a patch?
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