On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 08:54:44AM -0600, Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
> >  Oh, and I might end up comenting out testsuites if they're
> > complicated to run!
> Not sure what "complicated to run" means, but please bring up
> a topic on this list, or a ticket before just commenting out
> things in the book.

 OK.  I can't remember which package I was thinking of.  It was
something where you seemed to need a proper domain to be able to
test it.
> FWIW, I've got an almost complete BLFS setup based on current
> LFS. I've waited to update the book to ensure that things deep
> in the BLFS build work as expected with all the updated versions.
> I'm about ready to do massive updates as well. Let's ensure we
> use the ticket system for each and every package update. That
> why we won't end up redoing some work that others may have
> already done, but just hasn't been committed.

 Agreed. I have every intention of assigning tickets to myself a day
or so before I work on them.  At the moment, I have _nothing_
prepared, other than my own buildscripts.

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