On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:09:55PM +0000, Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 07:49:33PM +0000, Ken Moffat wrote:
> > 
> > coreutils-6.12 had a couple of tests skipped for missing locales,
> > which is odd because I installed all the locales.
> > PASS: test-math
> > Skipping test: no turkish Unicode locale is installed
> > SKIP: test-mbscasecmp.sh
> > PASS: test-mbsstr1
> > PASS: test-mbsstr2.sh
> > Skipping test: no chinese GB18030 locale is installed
> > SKIP: test-mbsstr3.sh
> > 
> >  I only noticed these because I noticed one of them while scrolling,
> > it's possible that htese tests have always skipped but I don't have
> > any 6.12 logs on this box.
>  Self-inflicted egg-on-face time: back in February I'd set my script
> to only build the minimal locales when running tests, so that I
> could get space/time figures for both that and the full install.
> Oh well.

 In fact, I had managed to overlook the tr_TR.UTF-8 locale in my
script's minimal list, the book was correct for that. zh_CN.GB18030
added to the list in trunk/ at r8741, to allow coreutils'
gnulib-tests/test-mbsstr3.sh to run, and the explanatory text fixed
to refer to what is now the first locale in the list.

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