On Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 05:41:57PM -0500, Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Matthew Burgess wrote:
> > Apparently the use case is that after using fdisk to edit the partition 
> > table, one would normally reboot so that Linux knows about the new 
> > partition and one can run 'mkfs' on the new /dev node.  Instead of 
> > rebooting, one can in fact use partprobe, or partx.  I've not tried it, but 
> > I'd be surprised if Linux didn't just do this detection automatically now 
> > with things like Udev & HAL, though having low-level utilities around in 
> > case those aren't available for whatever reason would seem eminently 
> > sensible.
> To this day, using my most modern systems which include Udev/D-Bus/Hal
> and all other recent additions, after creating a new partition, I have
> to reboot to see it in order to create a filesystem. Just FYI.
> Seems these partprobe, partx utilities would come in handy.
 Same here (had to repartition in the last month to get more space
for '/'.  I really wish I'd known about these utilities at that
time.  I don't have hal, of course, but I can't see how the _kernel_
is going to take instructions from it (hal just passes messages
around in userspace, no ?).

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