Hi all, As those of you who have been following ticket #2205 have already seen, DJ & Randy have been doing stirling work in getting some much needed life injected back into the LFS book. Although they've had commit privs to the LFS repo for a while, out of what I can only assume is down to sheer laziness, they've never made a single commit to the LFS book :-)
In order to ease the merging of their work, they have both agreed to become LFS book editors. As such, please offer them the usual welcome and support for their fine efforts! Welcome on board guys, and thanks again! Kind regards, Matt. PS: I'm still monitoring lfs-dev & lfs-book, but am still unable to make any worthwhile contributions at present due to ongoing 'real-life' stuff. -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page