TheOldFellow wrote:
> Could some kind American or Canadian soul post a link to something that 
> explains this concept as it applies to a corporation?  I think some of us 
> Non-NA peeps could do with an understanding of that it means, and IANAL!  
> I presume it cheaper than a Delaware Corporation :-)
> For what little it's worth, I have assumed that any contribution I have 
> made via these Usenet lists is Public Domain unless it contains a 
> specific copyright notice, so I can't see how I could assign it to a 
> Foundation.  In so far as it has been incorporated into an LFS Book, I 
> have already, by the act of contributing as an editor, assigned the 
> copyright to the book's copyright holder as defined in the Prologue to 
> the book in question.  Or have I?  I certainly intended to.
> It seems to me that this is not connected too intimately with the other 
> discussions.  But really does merit getting right before we invest too 
> much in the rest of it.  I have been unhappy for some time (years) that 
> copyright to the LFS book resides with Gerard, not because I don't want 
> him to have it, but because I am unsure of who would inherit it, or to 
> whom it might be assigned by him 'in extremis' (several scenarios to 
> consider here).

Here is a link to that on the Government of Canada website, focussed on
BC, annd direct to thier faq comparing business types.

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