On Fri, May 09, at 12:02 Philipp Christian Loewner wrote: > > First I had installed udev-120 but my system didn't > boot. It turned out to be a problem due to missing > kernel features, but I didn't recompile 120 after > I had installed 113 then. > Perhaps a hint in the book saying which kernel > features to enable (e.g. Unix domain socket) to be > able to boot at all would be good in the book... > I stumbled across these problems a few times now, > always enabling randon kernel features und deleting > them one-by-one, rebooting... until I have all the > features I need. > I don't think of a kernel features compendium, > just some short side note or something. >
In my opinion the kernel page is too sparse and static for its significance. Linux development is rapid these days, so its mission impossible for a man to follow all that new exciting stuff. Years ago, I suggested a whole chapter or a new book, for the Kernel related stuff [boot process (init ...), udev, filesystems, virtual machines, etc...]. We did also found the man (Alexander) who could actually write and support this chapter/book but the community or a part of the community didn't want that change at the time, so it was rejected. I never stopped to say that it was a big fault. Now I am in a position that I don't know if we should continue with LFS, as development doesn't simple happen anymore. The new gcc is out for months, binutils had a new version and we still don't know if we'll have a release and who is going to take this out and ... we still struggle in BLFS for a release for almost a year. -- http://wiki.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/wiki/Hacking -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page