Sukucorp Sukucorp wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 2:48 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  +          <para>[bdubbs] - Updated host requirments to check for
>>  +          symbolic links from sh, awk, and yacc.</para>
> Was there a bug report for this or did anyone run into any problems?
> I don't know about bison/yacc, but I did not have any issues starting
> from a host where sh was linked to dash and awk was linked to mawk. My
> host was Ubuntu where gawk is not installed. I bypassed updating the
> host by installing gawk before building pass1 binutils.

I was responding to some earlier comments about sh->dash causing problmes.  I 
added the part about yacc and awk because I know thy are sometimes used, but I 
don't know for sure if they are essential for LFS.  It is just making sure.  I 
started to add lex, but I didn't see flex required.

   -- Bruce

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