On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 01:31:20PM +0000, Ken Moffat wrote:
>  There might be problems with some AV apps or libraries, and perhaps
> java and OOo - all the AV I use seems to work ok on x86_64-64
> (unlike on ppc, ppc64), and I avoid java and OOo (I tried a binary
> when it was staroffice and still haven't got over the bloat!).
 I had forgotten that realplayer is one of the things that don't
work - the reason I'd forgotten is that there's now only one program
a week in that format that I would bother to listen to (it's just
finished), and I prefer to listen to the live broadcast on my hifi.
Schedules change, and with them my listening habits.  A quick test
shows BBC video clips (e.g. newsnight, which thinks I'm using
windows media player) don't work either - not a big deal for me.

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