Alexander E. Patrakov a écrit :
> Please reply to this message (please, limit this to the lfs-dev list
> only) and mark with "X" the items that apply. If the answer is not the
> same on your different Linux systems, write numbers of systems to
> which each answer applies instead of a simple "X" mark. The resuts may
> or may not be used for determining the future course of LFS. They will
> certainly be used to verify or disprove my guess about the way the LFS
> community is now split.
> [ ] I am an editor of LFS or one of the related projects
> [ ] I use LFS as my primary Linux system
> [X] I use LFS on more than one PC (including virtual machines)
> [ ] I deviate a lot from LFS (not counting package updates as deviations)
> [X] I deviate a lot from BLFS (not counting package updates as deviations)
> I use the following package management technique:
> (X) It's all in my head!
> ( ) I trust the lists of files in the book
> ( ) I rebuild everything every three months or less, so there is no
> need to manage anything!
> ( ) Installation script tracing with installwatch or checkinstall
> ( ) Installation script tracing with some other tool
> ( ) Timestamp-based "find" operation
> ( ) User-based
> ( ) RPM
> ( ) DPKG
> ( ) Simple binary tarballs produced with DESTDIR
> ( ) Other DESTDIR-based method of producing binary packages
> (X) Other

> I use the following features provided by a package manager:
> [ ] Knowing where each file comes from
> [ ] Clean uninstallation of a package
> [ ] Removal of obsolete files when upgrading to a new version
> [ ] Ability to upgrade toolchain components (most notably, glibc) painlessly
> [ ] Ability to revert mistakes easily and quickly by installing an old
> binary package
> [ ] Ability to compile once, deploy on many macines
> [ ] Scripting the build
> I will ignore the future LFS advice on package management if it
> [ ] Can't be applied on a busy machine where many files are
> accessed/modified everyy minute
> [X] Can't be used to transfer packages to another machine
> [ ] Interferes with files described in DIY-linux
> [X] Will clobber configuration files wen upgrading package versions
> [X] Doesn't explain how to package software beyond BLFS
> [ ] Requires learning another language/syntax besides bash shell syntax
> [ ] Exists at all
my little contribution :
More than an hundred LFS in production today, i will surely have some 
use of PM but I haven't find anything really satisfying.
I think that LFS will gain of some articles about the inner work of 
distribute, deploying and managing a live system, that can complete very 
well the building of the system.
In fact the hardest problem I meet daily, is not on what packages my 
package depends on, but what packages depend on my package.
For the moment, I haven't find a PM that pleinly satisfied me on that 
aspect (but I can have missed something).

On the automation side, I have loved nAlfs (which I continue to use). I 
hope that (if there's some automation) It will be as easy and as clear 
as nAlfs.
I have today more than 1500 nAlfs scripts and not really enthousiast to 
rewrite them all ;) but I will do if there a real advantage (for example 
: conditionnal execution)

JC Passard
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