Alan Lord wrote:
> Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
>> 2008/3/3, Alan Lord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>  * PM (This is very a technical issue and an emotive one, probably one of
>>>  the most important too as it may affect everything that follows in LFS-NG)
>> I am very surprised the nobody replied to my mail with the subject
>> "RPM: proof of concept".
> <snip />
> Personally, it's a bit over my head, sorry. ;-). Also, I have a purely 
> emotional bias against RPM. Give me anything else but RPM. (And don't 
> ask me why... I tried Redhat some time ago and didn't like RPM.

Alex, i intended to reply to your earlier thread, but this now seems to 
be a more appropriate location.

Like Alan, i have a (possibly unjustified) prejudice against RPM, based 
in my case on a dislike of RedHat itself rather than it's PM.

Having browsed the spec-files you generously provided, it appears to use 
(at least on the front-end) a similar approach to 'portage', with which 
i'm very familiar, & also to what little i've seen of 'pacman'.

I'm therefore deducing that it's the back-end of the system that should 
have most bearing when it comes to deciding upon a preferred PM for LFS, 
a subject to which i'm wholly unqualified to contribute.

If these discussions culminate in a consensus opinion that one PM is 
best suited to LFS, i will start using it, & trust the collective wisdom 
that reached this conclusion...

...However, i can't help thinking that the emotion-based responses 
voiced thus far might be indicative of a general trend, & this could 
impact LFS as a whole if RPM was settled upon - it might be unfair, but 
it's also worth bearing in mind, i believe.

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