Matthew Burgess wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 15:30:45 +0500, "Alexander E. Patrakov"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The only affected package on the LiveCD is libtheora-1.0alpha7,
>> file lib/pp.c, lines 363 and 383. This piece of code does deringing
>> of the image, thus, the effect is expected to be visible with anime
>> and similar content.
> Thanks Alexander.  That matches similar analysis at
> where
> out of 1148 packages, only libtheora, nethack and xmms are possible
> triggers.  I'd therefore propose we just leave this until an upstream
> release fixes it.

Well, we only have xmms in BLFS and it is out of date.  They just
released a new xmms last week (after four years).

I was curious and looked at the xmms source for both 1.2.10 and 1.2.11,
but a grep couldn't find a use of abs() times a negative constant in either.

I do think we need to put a patch and an errata comment out on LFS 6.3

  -- Bruce
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