On 30/09/2007, Bryan Kadzban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: RIPEMD160
> Reece Dunn wrote:
> > These are some scripts I have written to auto-detect what network
> > card and cd drive udev rules to use:
> Any reason you didn't use what's in the book?  The 6.3 book installs the
> persistence scripts for both CD symlinks and network devices from the
> udev tarball.  Do those not work for you?

I'm currently using a by the book LFS 6.2. The persistence rules are
not available for the version of udev that comes with this version of
LFS. Looks like this is one more reason to upgrade :).

> > The detect-cd script will only work properly with machines that only
> > have one CD, as it always uses the same symlink for the CD devices.
> The scripts from upstream don't have this issue.  ;-)


> > Are these useful to include in the LFS book?
> As I'm not sure what advantage they have over the stuff we already use,
> I can't say...  :-)

As the issue these scripts are addressing (the need to manually
configure udev rules for cdrom and net devices) has been fixed with
the udev upgrade for LFS 6.3, these scripts are no longer relevant.

Thanks for the comments,
- Reece
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