Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> There is a problem that I see from the above description.  It may or may
> not be an actual problem.
> What about a config file that *is* installed in a package and may be
> modified by a user?  Examples might be /etc/php.ini or
> /etc/apache/httpd.conf.  I wouldn't want these files deleted, even if I
> deleted the package.

Slackware packages never ship configuration files that are supposed to 
be modified by end users. Instead, such configuration files are shipped 
with the .new extension, and a post-installation script handles this. 
E.g., for udev:

config() {
  OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
  # If there's no config file by that name, mv it over:
  if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
    mv $NEW $OLD
  elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the 
redundant copy
    rm $NEW
  # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
config etc/rc.d/
config etc/modprobe.d/
config etc/modprobe.d/

As you see, the real etc/modprobe.d/blacklist configuration file does 
not belong to any package and thus will not be removed automatically.

Alexander E. Patrakov
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