Hi there again,
reworked patch for Util-linux. The patch can be downloaded from
and patch to the book is attached for discussion. This relates to quite
old thread (can't find it right now) about making everything in the
system use OpenSSL for the cryptography whenever possible.
BTW; What happened to kernel crypto api?
- Mordae
Index: chapter06/util-linux.xml
--- chapter06/util-linux.xml (revision 1042)
+++ chapter06/util-linux.xml (working copy)
@@ -62,13 +62,18 @@
<screen><userinput>patch -Np1 -i ../&util-linux-cramfs-patch;
patch -Np1 -i ../&util-linux-lseek-patch;</userinput></screen>
+ <para>Util-linux ships with it's own MD5 implementation. Following
+ patch adds possibility to use the one that comes with OpenSSL.</para>
+<screen><userinput>patch -Np1 -i
<para>Prepare Util-linux for compilation:</para>
<para>Compile the package:</para>
-<screen><userinput>make HAVE_KILL=yes HAVE_SLN=yes</userinput></screen>
+<screen><userinput>make HAVE_KILL=yes HAVE_SLN=yes
<title>The meaning of the make parameters:</title>
@@ -90,13 +95,22 @@
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><parameter>HAVE_OPENSSL=yes</parameter></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>This utilizes applied OpenSSL patch and makes
+ <emphasis>mcookie</emphasis> and <emphasis>mkfs.cramfs</emphasis>
+ link against <emphasis>libcrypto.so</emphasis>.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
<para>This package does not come with a test suite.</para>
<para>Install the package:</para>
-<screen><userinput>make HAVE_KILL=yes HAVE_SLN=yes install</userinput></screen>
+<screen><userinput>make HAVE_KILL=yes HAVE_SLN=yes HAVE_OPENSSL
Index: patches.ent
--- patches.ent (revision 1042)
+++ patches.ent (working copy)
@@ -168,6 +168,10 @@
<!ENTITY util-linux-lseek-patch-md5 "5d6c86321c1ea74d7ed7cf57861da423">
<!ENTITY util-linux-lseek-patch-size "12 KB">
+<!ENTITY util-linux-openssl-patch
+<!ENTITY util-linux-openssl-patch-md5 "0d07dac5d1b03d8ba29b8ef5fb123d79">
+<!ENTITY util-linux-openssl-patch-size "6.3 KB">
<!ENTITY vim-configure_warnings-patch
<!ENTITY vim-configure_warnings-patch-md5 "a1208e2d64c96bd192f959e34375b658">
<!ENTITY vim-configure_warnings-patch-size "8 KB">
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