On 3/25/07, Bruce Dubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan Nicholson wrote:
> > On 3/25/07, Bruce Dubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I don't agree.  The nobody user should never have a valid login shell or
> >> home directory.  If a temporary user is needed for the Coreutils tests,
> >> add a temp user and then as the INSTALL file says, `sudo env
> >> NON_ROOT_USERNAME=$USER make -k check`.  Delete the temp user when done.
> >
> > If I understand Robert correctly, the nobody user doesn't have to have
> > a valid home directory or login shell. He's just saying to execute su
> > -s /bin/bash ... so that /bin/false isn't used. You can does this
> > anyway right now.
> >
> > # grep ^nobody /etc/passwd
> > nobody:x:99:99:unprivileged nobody:/dev/null:/bin/false
> > # su -s /bin/bash nobody -c "echo no home directory needed"
> > no home directory needed
> >
> > Oh, we already create nobody:nobody in LFS, so we could do this right now.
> I see.  I withdraw my objection.

Well, we still have to decide whether we want to use nobody or
continue using temporary users. I could go either way, but I do like
the idea of not having to mangle passwd just to run a testsuite. We'd
still have to create at least one extra group for coreutils, though.

Also, I'm wondering if there would be problems running scripts, etc.,
when HOME=/dev/null. The dummy user we create for coreutils is given
/root as it's home directory. Robert, do you see any issues running
the testsuites as nobody?

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