On 11/30/06, Jeremy Huntwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dan Nicholson wrote:
> Create yourself an account and try to find an associated ticket with
> each of those packages. Add your comments about your experience. If
> there's no ticket describing one of those packages, create a new one.
> This way, the comments won't go away, and the developer has another
> person's experience to leverage.

IIRC, open registration is currently turned off. There was a bit of
vandalism on parts of the wiki and it didn't seem that any of the BLFS
team was monitoring it, so I turned it off. Of course, if you guys are a
bit more active again, it can always be turned back on.

My activity level is ramping up again as I finally flogged my package
manager program into shape and I can focus back on packages. But the
wiki is dog slow on belgarath, so I try to avoid it unless I need it.
The new server would be a real help there.

Is there any way to get wiki commits mailed somewhere, like blfs-book?
Oh wait, now I see there's a "Recent Changes" link, so maybe this
isn't necessary.

Turn it back on, please. I'll keep my eye on Recent Changes in case
there are really patient people who will wait for belgarath only to
vandalize it.

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