Dan Nicholson wrote:
On 11/18/06, Alexander E. Patrakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Didn't work for input or for output? Please paste your
/etc/sysconfig/console and $LANG, and let me see if anything is wrong.
Here's what I was using before I commented it out:
#FONT="lat1-16 -m 8859-1"
With LANG=en_US.UTF-8.
Well, with UTF-8 in $LANG, you _must_ have UNICODE="yes" in
/etc/sysconfig/console. So there was nothing wrong in your console file
except the font itself - it simply doesn't contain the Euro character.
Please change it to lat0-16 (ir you care only about Euro) or
LatArCyrHeb-16 (if you want more characters).
You can see all characters in a console font with a "showconsolefont"
Alexander E. Patrakov
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