Dan Nicholson wrote:
I sort of liked the old graphic better, but it's more consistent with the wiki.

Well, I'll work with whichever people prefer.

I like it!

Thanks. The graphic isn't as important to me as the change in menus. The current menus trigger a nasty bug in IE and the little bit of color we currently use is IMHO too little to properly distinguish between projects.

Oh website master, would you be so kind as to add Wiki links in the
bar on the left for all the subprojects? I only did it on the top
level lfs.org. I think the Wiki needs more visibility.

Well, the 'Report a Bug' links to each project's Trac setup. But, as you say, that may not be visible enough. In general, the site needs a bit of thought put into better organization. It just needs a little cleanup.

Gerard, I'm cc'ing you directly because I'd like your opinion and/or 'OK' to go ahead.

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