It shouldn't be hard to remove libcrypt from glibc, I think ./configure will 
do it. If libcrypto can replace it, then OpenSSL can probably be installed 
right after Zlib, and maybe Zlib can be moved up before Coreutils.


On Sunday 17 September 2006 09:56, Jan Dvořák wrote:
> Hi,
>       OpenSSL seems not to have many dependencies, is it possible to build it
> before util-linux? I've made an attempt to link mcookie and mkfs.cramfs
> against libcrypto and it seems to be working. Well, it's more a hack as
> I don't fully understand util-linux's build system, but anyway, check it
> out.
>       If this is OK for us, what other packages should use shared digest
> algorythms?
> # EOF

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