On 8/27/06, Bruce Dubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Robert Connolly wrote:
> I agree that only trusted users should be in group root, but being in someones
> group should not allow escalation to taking over the account. It undermines
> the purpose of having groups.

  We are saying that it's not really a significant vulnerability.  Yes,
it could be used to escalate to a uid root by someone in the root group
if the administrator is stupid and adds a user to the root group.  It
would also be stupid to `chmod -R o+w /bin`.  We just can't stop every
possible misconfiguration admins can make.

I have to agree with Robert on this one. If something is known to
install with weak permissions, I think we should change them instead
of writing it off as bad packaging. The fix is simple enough.

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