The LFS LiveCD team is pleased to announce the latest pre-release of the
x86-6.2 LiveCD, x86-6.2-pre5. This LiveCD contains the following changes:

1) The method of making sure that the CD works on i486 processors has been changed. The uname hack has been dropped and replaced with the file.

2) The LFS book and the LFS packages are updated approximately (but not exactly) to LFS-6.2-pre1. The XML source of the book is in /usr/share/LFS-BOOK-trunk-XML (and can be updated with "svn up" command"), the HTML version is in /usr/share/LFS-BOOK-trunk-HTML.

3) GAIM has been added. The CD now contains 5 chat clients.

4) Proprietary drivers for ATI and NVIDIA video cards were added because there are cases when they are absolutely needed even for 2D graphics with refresh rate more than 60 Hz.

5) The CD now supports suspending to disk. This makes it easy to interrupt and resume the process of building LFS at any point except the testsuites. Read /root/README for more details.

Known issues:

1) jhalfs doesn't work on the provided XML source of the LFS book due to the issue with MD5 sums of LFS bootscripts and udev configuration tarball. "svn up" in /usr/share/LFS-BOOK-trunk-XML should fix it.

2) The proprietary FGLRX driver doesn't fully work with R200 cards (older version did work, but it lacks support for the latest ATI cards, the primary readon for having the FGLRX driver on the CD). However, the open source "ati" driver works just fine with R200 cards.

3) There is a pointless warning from the network script when suspending to disk and resuming. Ignore it.

4) dhcpcd sometimes fails to restart after suspending to disk. "killall dhcpcd ; sleep 1 ; dhcpcd eth0" after resuming should work around this.

As this CD is a predecessor of what will be finally released as
x86-6.2-1, we welcome your feedback concerning it. Please mail any
comments to the livecd mailing list.

As usual, to download the new CD, visit the LFS LiveCD download page:

Since nobody in the LiceCD team has a PPC machine, there is no official PPC LiveCD. However, we hope that a PPC LiveCD is buildable from Makefiles in SVN.

Alexander E. Patrakov
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