On 5/30/06, Randy McMurchy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Started getting active again since last week. I have a hunch my emails keep getting lost in the discussion though.
Jim Gifford wrote these words on 05/30/06 11:20 CST:
> Nathan is becoming more active again.
And I'm supposed to believe this because you say so, when I haven't
seen Nathan around in ages? :-)
Started getting active again since last week. I have a hunch my emails keep getting lost in the discussion though.
> It's called coordination, when your getting ready to add a new daemon to
> the book contact the team. There will probably be a nightly generated
> tarball for this project so the updates can go out quickly.
What I'm thinking, because the bootscript is part of the instructions,
and the package won't work without it, and there's no reason for me
not to include it in the package instructions, I'll do a cat >> file
Then, if DJ want to comment that out, and put it in the tarball,
that is fine with me.
Jim, we've been stuck before with a broken book, because folks weren't
available to "coordinate" with. I know I don't want, and I'm fairly
certain Bruce doesn't want, to be put in that position again.
Nathan Coulson (conathan)
nathan at linuxfromscratch org
conathan at gmail com
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